The Sword Arts of the Samurai
I-Shin Do Ken (心道剣) (Sword Spirit Way) - Kenjutsu School
Kenjutsu - the study of Japanese sword strategy.
The I-shin Do Ken - Kenjutsu School is run by Dr. Eugene Botha who has been training in the martial arts for over 25 years. Eugene has studied various martial arts and Professionally instructed in the Martial arts before changing careers.
Eugene is a continuing student, practitioner and teacher of Martial Arts, Philosophy and Energy Medicine.

At the school we explore our Self through the Way of the Samurai, philosophy, strategy in battle and life, including the study and preservation of various weapons and collectables from the Samurai era in Japan.
Our instruction centers around mastery of the Japanese long sword (Katana), the short sword(Wakizashi), knife fighting (Tanto-jutsu), long staff weapons (jo-jutsu) and unarmed techniques known as muto, or “without sword” (including joint mobilization, throws, grappling, striking techniques, etc.).
The guidance of our training is through “The Way” (Bushido). The Way of the Warrior directs a student to how, he/she can respect and express the inherent true “Self” through the rigors of training and study of the Martial Arts.
As students of the I-shin Do ken - Kenjutsu School, we also explore our experience in the training and philosophy as a means to explore and understand who we are.
The term Mune Muso is the expression used when thought, word and action merge as one.
Essentially a state of being without the interference of Mind.
The Mune Muso Kenjutsu Dojo is based in Randburg.
Class is once a week at the Robin Hills Scout hall, Cnr Cherry Road and Oorbietjie Street, Robin Hills.
Classes are held every Wednesday evening from 19h00-21h00.
Please feel free to contact Eugene at: mdherbals@myconnection.co.za / 082 7791159